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August 2022

JCES is back: DCE holds its annual civil engineering symposium on July 1st

It has been 5 years already since DCE, in collaboration with PICE-VSUSC, started the Junior Civil Engineers' Symposium (JCES). It is an annual gathering of civil engineering students, academicians, young practicing engineers from the industry, and interested community members where technical civil engineering knowledge are exchanged through presentations and exhibits. However, in the past 2 years, JCES was not possible because of the pandemic. This year, it was successfully held on July 1, 2022, at EB-SLH with the theme "Foreseeing Futures: Responsive Design for Greater Liveability", with presentations, talks, and exhibits from undergraduate capstone projects that hope to enlighten junior civil engineers about their role in designing a future fit for humanity. The event was graced by the CET College Dean, Dr. Jannet C. Bencure, with her inspiring opening talk.

TRIVIA. The vision for the Junior Civil Engineers’ Symposium started as an inspiration from the Search for Truth creed. On April 5, 1984, ViSCA President Dr. Fernando A. Bernardo inaugurated the Search for Truth monument in front of the administration building. And at its foot, he inscribes:

Let search for truth prevail as a dominant activity of university life. For truth is the guiding light in our paramount mission: the pursuit of excellence. A teacher must foster intellectual curiosity among students and train them in the art and science of searching for truth to achieve excellence – whether in the classroom, in the laboratory, in nature, or in society. He who does less is not worthy of his profession.